
Happy Birthday Rina!

Never have I written more than 2 sentences wishing someone happy birthday. So, this is it. You are the first and that’s what makes you someone special to be remembered.


As busy as I am, I miraculously found myself some time to dedicate this entry to you, Rina. And I decided to publish this entry at 12 am sharp, thereby making myself the first person to wish you happy birthday on time. So, that’s what’ll make me someone special to you as well. (:


I believe you still do remember the first time we met because it was not quite long ago, unless you really studied so hard that you accidentally erased the wonderful past. We were on a vacation together in Turkey, and that’s how we “bumped” into each other.


The first thing that I blurted out after you were introduced to me by my mom still vividly inscribed in my mind. Why did I even ask you that question has always been a wonder to me. Anyway, friends made in tours never last long. It seemed to be absolutely true because we didn’t talk to each other throughout the entire trip.


But because you took the initiative to ask me for my msn account, that successfully kept us in contact till now. I remained skeptical about our “friendship” even after we met in msn. Nothing much to talk about until came a day, which I couldn’t even recall how we actually began interacting like old friends.


Glad. I really do hope that this friendship of ours will last till forever although we are seas apart. I believe that distance will never be a barrier or hindrance to friendships like ours.


After this day, I hope to see someone stronger, someone who’s able to face the ups and downs with perseverance, someone who’s able to stand independently, someone mature who’s able to think rationally before making vital decisions in life, someone who appreciates and cherishes every single moment and person in her meaningful life journey, and someone who knows how to play hard and study hard! Why so serious? (:


But before Monday is over, I sincerely wish that you’ll enjoy this joyous day of your life to the fullest although I’m not there to accompany you. (: Cheh.. Sorry for not being able to give you any presents for your birthday, but I hope that this entry specially dedicated to you will be the best gift presented from me. 


HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again.




Rina said...

thank you. hee~

Sean said...

You are welcome. Haa~
