
Pulling Through.

My Watch

   A brand new watch and a perfectly new hair cut to make my day, only to be brought down once again by one simple thought – “How am I going to accomplish that ridiculous course assessment of Ms. Yap ON TIME?”

I’m stuck with an absurdly multitude of chapters to study; 12 long journals to write on; 1 group assignment, which later on altered into an individual assignment to work on; and 3 individual presentations to prepare, which I’m left with 1 more.

Thank God!

Mind you, that’s only Intro to World Religion itself and I’m already so worn out. World Religion And this is the book that hastens doomsday. I really do have an admiration for my friends – especially J Nie for taking 4 subjects this semester. I’m taking only 3 and I’m half-dead already.

Remember the mice I bought for my Biology Project? They are well-taken care of and are growing extremely fast, although they still look adorable to me. Getting aggressive by day as they tend to bite everything that comes into contact with their mouth. Darn. Freaks me out every time when their razor sharp but harmless teeth sank into my epidermis.

That’s not the point again. The main point is that I’m going off during this coming public holiday and I couldn’t take care of my mice! See? Time’s insufficient and I’m here blogging and am going for a vacation few days later. Anyways, Sagu’s taking care of my mice and I’m glad. Thanks! =]

Jason_Mraz_-_Mr._A-ZAnd puhleese, don’t be upset if you missed this golden opportunity of meeting Jason Mraz in his concert today. He’s just another guy living on this earth, awaiting for judgment day. He’s famous because he’s gifted with a talent that the public adores. Everyone of us has our own talents, so should we not appreciate our own talents more?

And besides, I prefer listening to songs on radios and mp3s nowadays, because most of those singers out there are just bunch of useless studio singers who can’t perform on stage in any ways. Take Kate Perry for example, she sounded so pitchy and off tune when she performed at the Grammy. Shame on her. Conversely, American Idols are the bombs. Never heard of Jason Mraz performing live, so no comments on him.

I know he’s cute, and you girls will go crazy over him but what’s the point actually? Not trying to start a commotion here and I’m not being jealous. I just don’t get it. At least, I don’t go amok over Jessica Alba or Megan Fox like other guys do. And, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a homo. Not in centuries to come.

With that, I sign off as -

Sean (:

