There’s one very important thing that we, human beings have to know - we are imperfect. Hence, we don’t possess the rights to judge others because the notion of a perfect being is an utterly absurd nonsense.
Unfortunately, some narcissists will be so preoccupied with their abilities that they think that they are perfect? Even the greatest leaders in the world like Abraham Lincoln or the current US president, Obama are not even near perfection. There’s got to be a slight flaw that might miss and go unnoticed under our bare eyes.
Come to think of it, maybe that’s why we are God’s creation. The copied version will never be as flawless as the original version. Just as when you compare a genuine DVD with a pirated one. It makes sense, doesn’t it?
Thinking logically, if God’s thought to be a perfect being, why would he want to create a perfect human being who might someday be more superior than he is or be on an equal stand with he himself? That would be a rather foolish thing to do, isn’t it?
The situation is just similar to a president who doesn’t want a brilliant minister in his parliament who would threaten his authority and might even replace him someday. Anyway, the point I want to make is simple, there’s no such thing as being perfect even if you perceive it to be true.
As imperfect as we are, be prepared to be subjected to criticism of all sorts. And we, have to just accept them open-mindedly, repairing our mistakes and bad values that others see but not us. Sadly, the reality is just opposite of what is being said here. That’s where and how chaos starts and will never find its way to a resolved happy ending.
It is undeniable that everyone wants to be loved, wants to be the center of attraction, wants to be popular, wants to be in the company of friends, wants the whole world to be his/her brothers and sisters or even wants to be perfect!
There’s literally none in this pathetically “built” planet who loves to be criticized, especially in public. Imagine if someone just blurted out everything that he/she thinks about you publicly without caring about your feelings. I swear that you’ll want to have the legs of a leopard, run as far as possible and hid yourself in the Valley of Humiliation.
I don’t see any logical reasons to someone who likes to be commented by others. But we must admit that people are born with a notorious nature – gossiping about others; and man, backstabbing is a norm ever since the genesis of mankind. Jealousy is the mastermind behind all these chaos.
All these evil virtues will manifest itself most evident during the teenage years of our lives. It’s stereotypical to say that only girls will bitch about everybody else who gets in their way. Due to massive modernization, men and women are now on equal stance. That’s what the girls have been complaining about and getting furious over with – guys gossip too.
“Famous” slogans and words, such as bitch, bugger, bastard, f**ker, slut are common nowadays as they are often used to describe an enemy. Those disrespectful, rude, and obscene remarks are some examples that I can think of right now. I believe, non of us want to be labeled with degrading “names” as that.
Based on the ethical principle of Golden Rule, there emerge a silver rule that is understood to be “Do not do to others as you would not have them do to you.” So, don’t be so self-centered and start thinking about others.
I have always been trying to better myself so as not to be a victim of vulgarities or the hot topic of gossips and “paparazzis”. I strive hard every year to better myself so as not to be a bad friend or a bad person in the eyes of others but it always ended up with failures.
So, I’m here to permit you, everyone of you to vote the devil or the angel out of me. I’m also here to allow you to front-stab me by writing comments about me, criticizing me in my ShoutMix on the left-hand side of the blog <---- either anonymously or with your names written. *Most preferably with your names written*Don’t worry as I will not go straight back at you with a vengeance.
I hope that the feedbacks for my poll will be positive, honest and sincere. You do want a better friend, do you? So, help me out will you? I desperately crave for objective views about myself!
Thank you! (:
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