
Easter Jokes

Being the “only” guy to blog on the first day of finals – priceless.


Friday – 17th April 2009

As usual, World Religions class started at 8. Anxious presenters were getting everything set up and there were complications.

  1. Ern Teck was supposed to present first. “Oops! I forget to print the evaluation sheet!” Dashed off to get himself a copy after finding none of us have a spare sheet.
  2. Stephanie who was to go second, went forward to get her slides prepared so she could present without wasting anymore time. *Gosh, did I see Ms. Yap in frustration? END THIS STEPHANIE!*

Stephanie – *sticks in pendrive into En Teck’s notebook and tries to open her powerpoint slides* “Err.. Why is it not working?”

*Did I mention that Ern Teck’s notebook does not have the latest Microsoft package?*

Darn. Out the door went Stephanie to get a compatible copy for her slides. *This is getting bad isn’t it?*

Everyone was sick of all the waiting. It’s Upa’s turn now and thank God she had an evaluation sheet with her and her slides could be opened. She was ***** away minutes later.


The lame joke you have been waiting for!

So after few hours of waiting *heart-beating+pumping, Ms. Yap finally pasted our continuing assessment scores on the wall outside her door and put out 2 boxes of graded assignments.

After taking mine and being nosy for a moment, checking out other people’s grades, I went to level one. Denise, Hern Ee, and Bryan was there, talking about their assignment grades. *wait, Bryan is not even in any of Ms. Yap’s class! Busybody.

Here comes the joke.

Disclaimer : This conversation may not be 100% accurate because I’m not a robot!

Bryan : Is it Easter Day today?

Hern Ee : Is it? I’m not really sure about it!

Denise : And you said that you are a Christian.

Sean/Me : NOOOO! It’s last week!

Bryan : Is it? *grins then turns serious* I’m Methodist.

Sean/Me : Owh! Different belief different timing.


Calvin came out of CF room and joined our conversation.

Denise : Not going for CF?

Calvin : Nah.

Denise : Why?

Sean/Me : Protestant?

Calvin : No lah.

Sean/Me : Why not? Correct lah. Protestant so not going for CF!


Sean/Me : So when is your Easter? *Referring to the first part of the convo*

Calvin : … I’m Calvinism.

Sean/Me : Yea! Protestant lah! *Referring to the 2nd part of the convo*

You’ll get the joke better if you were there and if you understand it.

