Being the “only” guy to blog on the first day of finals – priceless.
Friday – 17th April 2009
As usual, World Religions class started at 8. Anxious presenters were getting everything set up and there were complications.
- Ern Teck was supposed to present first. “Oops! I forget to print the evaluation sheet!” Dashed off to get himself a copy after finding none of us have a spare sheet.
- Stephanie who was to go second, went forward to get her slides prepared so she could present without wasting anymore time. *Gosh, did I see Ms. Yap in frustration? END THIS STEPHANIE!*
Stephanie – *sticks in pendrive into En Teck’s notebook and tries to open her powerpoint slides* “Err.. Why is it not working?”
*Did I mention that Ern Teck’s notebook does not have the latest Microsoft package?*
Darn. Out the door went Stephanie to get a compatible copy for her slides. *This is getting bad isn’t it?*
Everyone was sick of all the waiting. It’s Upa’s turn now and thank God she had an evaluation sheet with her and her slides could be opened. She was ***** away minutes later.
The lame joke you have been waiting for!
So after few hours of waiting *heart-beating+pumping, Ms. Yap finally pasted our continuing assessment scores on the wall outside her door and put out 2 boxes of graded assignments.
After taking mine and being nosy for a moment, checking out other people’s grades, I went to level one. Denise, Hern Ee, and Bryan was there, talking about their assignment grades. *wait, Bryan is not even in any of Ms. Yap’s class! Busybody.
Here comes the joke.
Disclaimer : This conversation may not be 100% accurate because I’m not a robot!
Bryan : Is it Easter Day today?
Hern Ee : Is it? I’m not really sure about it!
Denise : And you said that you are a Christian.
Sean/Me : NOOOO! It’s last week!
Bryan : Is it? *grins then turns serious* I’m Methodist.
Sean/Me : Owh! Different belief different timing.
Calvin came out of CF room and joined our conversation.
Denise : Not going for CF?
Calvin : Nah.
Denise : Why?
Sean/Me : Protestant?
Calvin : No lah.
Sean/Me : Why not? Correct lah. Protestant so not going for CF!
Sean/Me : So when is your Easter? *Referring to the first part of the convo*
Calvin : … I’m Calvinism.
Sean/Me : Yea! Protestant lah! *Referring to the 2nd part of the convo*
You’ll get the joke better if you were there and if you understand it.
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