
Without you, time crawls; With you, I soar!

This month is coming to an end, and I guess that’s the end of the most wondrous month of my life.

February 2009 is complemented with love, passion, and affection as it always has; It is the month where love birds enjoy the most. I enjoyed it myself with although with some confusions frolicking around my complicated mind. I have yet to settle down, ladies and gentlemen.

This month has also marked my greatest achievement ever since I created this sanctuary of mine. Two poems involving 4 people were written and a dozen of entries scribbled on the experiences of my mundane life.

February was indeed a happening month for me. It starts of with a worsening but enjoyable Chinese New Year, visiting Sheryl and Jiu Hwei with a bunch of friends and receiving Ang Paus. Moving on closely with the first confusion of my life, but I did cherished every moment I had and it was undeniably memorable.

Then came Valentine’s day, where it’s the day the resonance was broken – I was awaken from the fantasy world of mine. Ironically, I swiftly stepped through the portal into reality, willingly, carving a smile on my face. And I did the bravest thing in my life, which was to ask a girl out for a date although I wasn’t being serious at all.

Bought mice for my Biology project and gain first hand experience rearing a pet, which started off with great enthusiasm and which gradually died out eventually. I do love pets, but it always is the matter of rearing and sustaining them. Wealth can solve that problem though. (:

And the emergence of the craziest news on earth and the bravest thing an artist would ever do,  Chris Brown beating up Rihanna. That’s purely dumb but admittedly, Chris Brown has got guts!

Getting real close to a bunch of new friends with the help of nothing but the famous break time “table game” of ADP – Cho Dai Dee. Got real lucky at some point that I almost won every rounds. If we were to gamble, I think I could use the money I won to open a casino in HELP. *exaggerating*

Assignments are yet to be done but I’m doing real fine for all the starting quizzes. Trying real hard to improve myself in presentation, conversing more often rather than being a loner while getting lamer at the same time. Gets a little critical at times, which cause may be from the influence of Ms. Yap.

27022009298 And just yesterday, I witnessed a small yet significant demonstration in front of the United Nation’s office, few meters away from my block. It’s quite cool to observe every single incident that happened during the demonstration, with the demonstrators shouting with great spirit on what they are protesting and with riot police controlling the situation. Took a few pictures and later on got mummified with the police straps. We were lucky that there weren’t any brawls.

And that’s all there is. Love this February and hopefully, I will love Februaries in the future.

